Monday, October 03, 2005


Aparna's entry

A simple state of being

This whole childhood thing, its not as simple as it sounds. I am telling you this right away, in case you are one of those sentimental beings who fawns on children, calling them my dah-lings, my angels and things like that. They’re really not that simple, and do you know, they even understand your language beyond the baby talk you lisp with such effort. No, sirs, nothing simple indeed.
My own home has two of them, and they will stop at nothing to get around to the things they want. You say they don’t have any patience, no no my good ladies, believe me, they do. They can wait all day until you tire of telling them not to disturb the carnations in that vase, so prettily arranged. And finally, when you tire (which you will), they will leap in to the kill. Only then will they dismantle the patience that they have stored up all day, discarding it like a gift-wrapper.
When they are done, they look around calmly, hoping to spot my black tail that quivers, as I try to squish myself under the bed. That bad doggie, catch him, they say, solemnly shaking their heads.


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